Online educational platform, communications, and PR for an initiative working for a school free from sexual harassment

Online educational platform, communications, and PR for an initiative working for a school free from sexual harassment

Online educational platform, communications, and PR for an initiative working for a school free from sexual harassment





Backa – An Initiative for a School Free from Sexual Harassment

Concept development and PR as part of Geelmuyden Kiese.

Campaign video directed by Jakob Ström. Visual identity and graphic design by Studio Lina Forsgren.

Nationwide educational tour and online platform, campaign video, social media strategy, influencer collaborations, PR in local and national media. Strong impact in targeted audiences with over 38 million exposures, +130,000 video viewings, and more than 10,000 completed online training certificates.

The Backa Initiative was funded by the Ministry of Education and the Swedish National Agency for Education as part of the efforts in schools following #metoo that the government announced in the spring of 2018.

Concept development and PR as part of Geelmuyden Kiese.

Campaign video directed by Jakob Ström. Visual identity and graphic design by Studio Lina Forsgren.

Nationwide educational tour and online platform, campaign video, social media strategy, influencer collaborations, PR in local and national media. Strong impact in targeted audiences with over 38 million exposures, +130,000 video viewings, and more than 10,000 completed online training certificates.

The Backa Initiative was funded by the Ministry of Education and the Swedish National Agency for Education.